
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

Medicine and Surgery Bolzano

New degree programme for the a.y. 2024/25

International Programmes

The programme in Medicine and Surgery, with an innovative curriculum and taught entirely in English provides for full integration of teaching objectives and methods used in European and US curricula. It provides the scientific basis and the theoretical and practical training essential for the exercise of the medical profession internationally.

The Faculty

Enrolling in the Faculty of Medicine at Università Cattolica means joining a training and research project that the University has been pursuing for over sixty years. A project that trains doctors and professionals to combine expertise, competence and human sensitivity enabling them to take care of others with compassion and dedication, because - as Pope Benedict XVI said - "caring is not a profession but a mission - «caring is not a profession but a mission ». The Faculty was instituted upon the initiative of Father Agostino Gemelli, and was inaugurated in Rome by Pope Pius XI, who bequeathed the Istituto Giuseppe Toniolo di Studi Superiori with the ownership of the land upon which the first university buildings were erected.