Marathon for Solidarity 2022
Aula: Sala Germania virtual room - Ore: 11.00 AM - 4.00 PM
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World-class gynaecologists come together for an intelectual Marathon to support Shanti Ashram, a center of development, learning and collaboration in India.
Keynote Lectures and Live Scanning from all over the world.
It will be possible to register until November 14th to have the registration of the event
Free regsitration for residents and doctors from low income countries (please declare that in the registration form- notes area)
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Informazioni utili
Referente Informazioni: Formazione Permanente Ecm, Convegni e Manifestazioni
Patrocinio: Centro di Soldarietà Internazionale CESI
Direzione scientifica: Prof.ssa Antonia Carla Testa
Recapito telefonico: +39 06 30154297